MOSTaRE Update

MOSTaRE Update (Mother/Infant Opioid and Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Effort)
The Mother/Infant Opioid and Substance use Treatment and Recovery Effort (MOSTaRE) Initiative is now underway in Minnesota hospitals! We had our first learning session virtually on September 28 with eleven different hospital teams! We learned about creating PDSA cycles (plan, do, study, act) and got familiar with the Simple QI program to collect our data. Each hospital team will individualize their goals, determine data metrics that are important to their facility and test change ideas that were developed by MNPQC’s statewide workgroup, while collaborating with other teams.
Our monthly Action Period Calls will start in November on the first Wednesday of each month, if your hospital is interested in joining us, please email Susan Boehm (
Our monthly Action Period Calls will start in November on the first Wednesday of each month, if your hospital is interested in joining us, please email Susan Boehm (
We would love to have every hospital in the state participate. A key recommendation from the Maternal Mortality Review Committee is “to support statewide improvements for birthing people who have substance use disorder” so we know this project is an important piece of improving the health and lives of Minnesota patients.
Thank you and welcome to all who joined us – we look forward to meeting in person at the next learning session!
Dr. Adrienne Richardson, MOSTaRE Chair