December 2022
MOSTaRE Initiative
EDHI: Timely Diagnosis Initiative
MPO Board of Directors Nomination Requests
Minnesota Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Quarterly Newsletter
We are excited to announce that Minnesota PRAMS (MN PRAMS) met the minimum response rate threshold for 2020!
MN PRAMS was recently selected and awarded funding by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) to implement a Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) supplemental questionnaire from May 2022 through March 2023. SDOH factors like food insecurity, housing, access to health care, social support, transportation barriers, and racism can have a major impact on the immediate and long‐term health of pregnant and recently postpartum women and their infants,1 so we are happy to be given the opportunity to collect data on this important topic.
MN PRAMS currently offers two modes of data collection- mail and phone. However, testing is underway for the Web Survey Module (WSM) that will allow participants to complete our survey on the web. Minnesota was selected as one of ten states to carry out phase 1 testing of the WSM. The web survey is expected to be implemented in Fall 2022.
The Phase 9 question selection process is still underway. PRAMS sites received a list of 160 prospective questions for Phase 9 Core and each state voted on questions to keep, drop, or add to Phase 9 Core. CDC has sent the final Phase 9 Core and Standard question lists to PRAMS sites. We will be working with partners and our advisory committee to identify gaps, identify priority areas, and select a prioritized list of standard and site-specific questions for the Phase 9 survey.
The MN PRAMS Advisory Committee is required by the CDC, to advise the Minnesota PRAMS staff in the development and selection of state-specific questions and on the use, dissemination, and application of findings. The multi-disciplinary committee includes individuals from the public, private, and academic sector (city, county, state, and tribal agencies; academic centers; health plans and medical centers; and maternal child health nonprofit organizations). MN PRAMS is recruiting Maternal and Child Health (MCH) experts who are interested in joining our advisory committee. In our efforts to increase diverse voices to the advisory committee, we are also looking for community organization representatives for American Indian families, and representation from Greater Minnesota. If interested, contact us at:
Innovative Partnerships Address Hypertension in Pregnant and Postpartum Patients
Hypertension while pregnant or postpartum can increase the risk of other complications that impact the mom and baby. Alison Williams, vice president of Clinical Quality Improvement at Missouri Hospital Association, and Kendell Farr, Women’s Health nurse practitioner at Hannibal Regional Healthcare System, discuss the launch of a home-based blood pressure monitoring program for at-risk patients, which was lauded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a Million Hearts 2021 Hypertension Control Exemplar.
MNPQC’s Community Organization Resources
Visit the Resources Page on our new website to access the numerous Community Organizations and online resources. These resources aid birthing people and their babies, as well as healthcare professionals interested in improving perinatal health across Minnesota. If you don’t see your organization listed, or know of an organization or helpful resource that is missing, please contact us at to the community resource section.
To continue providing access to information, engagement, and collaboration among Minnesota Perinatal & Infant Providers – please send your resources, events, and information to to display on our website.