Building Bridges for Better Care
Improving maternal care requires a two-way street of empathy and understanding. MNPQC strives to connect family experiences with provider education.
MNPQC’s Patient Family Partner (PFP) Program

Through certification with the Momma’s Voices Patient Family Program (PFP), participants gain valuable skills and opportunities to share their stories. Patients can bring their lived experience to Quality Improvement Projects, speak at conferences, and be featured on our YouTube channel. If you are interested in sharing your story, click the button below to learn more!
CDC’s Hear Her Campaign
The CDC’s Hear Her Campaign was launched in response to the high number of deaths in the United States each year due to pregnancy or delivery complications. This initiative spreads critical information about warning signs that could save lives. The campaign provides resources for pregnant or postpartum individuals, their partners, family, and friends, as well as healthcare professionals who support them.
Joanna’s Story
Joanna describes her experience with postpartum preeclampsia after her first pregnancy.
Valencia’s story
Valencia struggled with headaches and dizziness during a difficult first pregnancy. It was her primary care provider who finally helped her get the care she needed.
Takayla’s story
Takayla’s story was filmed in Minnesota, on the traditional lands of the Dakota and Anishinaabe people.

Want to share HEAR HER materials?
Promote Hear Her campaign key messages and resources by sharing tailored graphics on your website, blog, or social networking site. Download, print, or order free posters, handouts, and palm cards through the CDC’s website.