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Childbirth Collective

The mission of the Childbirth Collective is to enhance birth experiences by promoting quality professional doula support, advocating evidence-based care, and educating pregnant families and birth professionals who support the wellness model of perinatal care by creating spaces to connect with the community, and each other. The organization is a collective of birth professionals who support birthing people and families during the childbearing year.

Ninde Doulas

Ninde Doulas are trained professionals who provide informational, emotional, physical, and cultural support to Indigenous families while they are pregnant, during labor and birth, and for the post-partum healing period, much like how Indigenous aunties traditionally helped bring new life into this world.

Ostara Initiative

The Ostara Initiative is a women-founded and women-led, hybrid, non-profit organization based in Minnesota and Alabama. They believe in solutions rather than problems or people management. The organization searches for solutions in the soil, seed, and root of its communities, government, and institutions. The Ostara Initiative’s work challenges the ​destructive tendencies of for-profit prisons and related businesses as well as the chasm between the carceral state and community-based support.

Registered Doulas in Minnesota

Find a doula that fits your needs with this list of registered doulas in Minnesota created by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Doulas listed have completed criminal history checks by MDH via public access to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.