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MNPQC Statement on Inclusive Language

Supporting the delivery of person-centered care is a priority of the Minnesota Perinatal Quality Collaborative and this includes using inclusive language whenever possible. We recognize that not all birthing people identify as women or mothers and that both personal and cultural factors will influence a patient’s identity and communication preferences. We unequivocally support any individual’s right to self-determination with respect to their identity and believe these communication preferences should be honored. 

Our aim is to use inclusive, person-centered language in our documents, while acknowledging that the rich diversity of the communities we serve makes it challenging to capture the nuance of every individual’s chosen identity. As such, where conventional language is used for simplicity and consistency, it is not meant to negate the experiences of people who do not identify with that language. 

There are places in our documents where we use standard clinical language that is meant to capture specific health outcomes, which impacts public health and policy options related to pregnancy and birth. Examples of this are “maternal morbidity and mortality” and “maternal-infant dyad”. We recognize the shortcomings of this language but believe it does serve a purpose in the public health and policy sphere.

Lastly, we acknowledge that inclusive language is constantly evolving and are committed to periodically reevaluating the language we employ in our work and advocating for more person-centered language among the larger healthcare community.

Committee and Program Members

MNPQC Program Advisory Committee

The MNPQC Program Advisory Committee consists of representatives from healthcare organizations, professional leadership, and community stakeholders. Together they review current data, trends, and research on best practices to inform quality improvement initiatives. One of their key functions is promotion and support of quality improvement initiatives aimed at reducing inequities. The Program Advisory Committee serves as a bi-directional communication source between the MNPQC and organizations around the state.

Perinatal Equity Advisory Committee

The Perinatal Equity Advisory Committee (PEAC) is committed to challenging and addressing perinatal health disparities and inequities. Their vision is to ensure that all Minnesotans, regardless of various demographic factors, can achieve their full perinatal health potential. To do this, the PEAC focuses on representation, partnerships, reducing barriers to care, increasing diversity among healthcare providers, and collecting and reporting perinatal health equity data. Their work aims to dismantle racist and oppressive systems within perinatal care, embedding an equity lens in local and state initiatives for optimal health outcomes.


Data Workgroup

The Data Workgroup works to ensure metrics collected by MNPQC have the capability to be analyzed for patients and families of color and non-dominant cultures in Minnesota. This will help identify statistically significant disparities, provide insight for areas to watch, and allow us to develop initiatives to promote perinatal equity.

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The Minnesota Perinatal Quality Collaborative (MNPQC) is a network of organizations, medical providers, content experts, and community voices led by Minnesota Perinatal Organization (MPO) with support from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).