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Diane Banigo, DNP, APRN, CNM Healthy Black Pregnancies

Diane Banigo is a doctorate-prepared nurse-midwife, a perinatal consultant, an educator, and a small business owner with over 21 years of women’s health experience. Dr. Banigo has been a leader in Minnesota’s Healthy Black Pregnancies, previously referred to as Integrated Care for High-Risk Pregnancies (ICHRP) pilot focusing on improving maternal child health outcomes in the African American community.

When Dr. Banigo is not at women’s bedside, she is with her community or passionately helping other organizations cultivate change through Ignited Faces of Beauty (iFOB) or Igniting Power of Woman (iPOW). Fostering collaboration, iFOB and iPOW work with individuals wanting to live a more fulfilled life and systems ready to design and implement culturally responsive and inclusive solutions to narrow disparities. With her support, Dr. Banigo challenges complacent social norms and thoughts while encouraging care entities to model equity by igniting innovative change.