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Can you provide an overview of Mommas Voices and the mission?

MoMMAs Voices (Maternal Mortality & Morbidity Advocates) is the first-ever maternal health patient advocates program bringing together real patient and family voices. We’re made up of dozens of maternal health organizations who represent all types of maternal health conditions, as well as cross-cutting topics like maternal mental health, racial equity, healthcare delivery, and patient-provider partnership. We sit at the center of maternal health improvements, connecting and training patients with lived experiences, providers, quality improvement leaders, researchers, and policymakers to move forward improvements in maternal care. We are a program of the Preeclampsia Foundation. Our mission is to amplify the voices of people who have experienced pregnancy and childbirth complications or loss – especially those who have been historically marginalized – ensuring they are equipped and activated as partners with providers and researchers to improve maternal health outcomes.

Could you elaborate on the core values that guide Mommas Voices in its mission and activities?

At our core values is the patient voice and ensuring patients have a seat at the table and are a part of the decision making process.

What impact has Mommas Voices had on the community it serves, and how do you measure success?

Through our training, MV improves our PFP’s readiness to advocate for change and our providers’ readiness to authentically engage patients. We measure our success by the increased incorporation of diverse lived experience perspectives into clinical care,  and public health materials, messaging, resources, and interventions and how those voices impact planning, decision-making, processes and programmatic activities.

What future goals or projects is Mommas Voices currently focused on?

 We are working with PQC’s on how to implement SUD resources. We are always looking into improving the work we do and ensuring the patient voice is at the center of all we do.

How can individuals or businesses get involved and support the work of Mommas Voices?

You can access our website to fill out a request form and get to learn more about us!