Kurt DeVine, MD, FASAM CentraCare Addiction Services, Stratis Health
Dr. DeVine began his Family Medicine career in a rural community in
central Minnesota in 1990. After 25 years of full spectrum Family
Medicine, his career path was forever changed in 2015 after developing
a rural clinic and community model to address opioid prescribing and
lack of access to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder. MDH funding has
allowed this model to be implemented in 16 other Minnesota
communities. In 2018, a weekly opioid/addiction telehealth teaching
program through Project ECHO started bringing weekly addiction
information to rural community providers in an effort to improve care to
patients with substance use disorders. Similar projects were launched to
target Medical and PA students that were in programs that emphasized
care to rural and underserved communities and continues to be
facilitated by Dr. DeVine and a colleague.
Grant funding for these programs and now new projects are currently
managed through Stratis Health for whom Dr. DeVine works as a subject
matter expert on grants relating to rural addiction care, opioid
prescribing and addiction care in correctional facilities. Additional grant
work at CentraCare includes a CDC/MDH grant to improve access to
MOUD in the ED, and improve patient retention and access to treatment
providers. He has also been involved at the state level regarding opioid
issues, serving on the Opioid Prescribing Work Group to develop state
guidelines, and was part of the DHS Pain Waiver Advisory Panel.
Currently he is Co-Chair of the MDH Task Force for Pregnancy and
Substance Use Disorders, and starting this fall will be on the Task Force
on Holistic and Effective Responses to Illicit Drug Use through the State
Office of Addiction and Recovery as the MMA representative.
Dr. DeVine’s passion to care for and improve access to addiction
treatment motivated him to achieve board certification in Addiction
Medicine in 2020. In 2022, he joined CentraCare in St. Cloud and
Currently sees patients in the Addiction Medicine Clinic, while also
serving as the Medical Director of CentraCare Addiction Services.
Past awards related to this work include the American Hospital
Association Nova Award, the 2020 Minnesota Medical Association
Presidents Award and the 2021 Family Physician of the Year Award.