Birthing Center Resources
Hear Her
CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health is committed to healthy pregnancies and deliveries for every person. The Hear Her campaign supports CDC’s efforts to prevent pregnancy-related deaths by sharing potentially life-saving messages about urgent maternal warning signs.
Help Me Connect
This resources is a navigator connecting expectant families, families with young children (birth – 8 years old) and those working with families to services in their local communities that support healthy child development and family well-being.
Irth App
The only app where you can find prenatal, birthing, postpartum and pediatric reviews of care from other Black and brown women. The #1 “Yelp-like” platform for the pregnancy and new motherhood journey, made by and for people of color. Search doctor and hospital reviews from your community! Leave a review today to help inform and protect others!
Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting
The Minnesota Home Visiting Directory was prepared by the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting and features various local public health, tribal health, nonprofit, early childhood family education, early head start, and community-based home visiting programs and organizations across the state of Minnesota.
Ramsey County: Parenting Support Groups
Club Mom is a community health gathering for African-American women, ages 19 and up who are pregnant and/or parenting children, 0-5 years. The group is led by Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health staff. As a member of the group, you will have the opportunity to connect with one another, enjoy dinner, and participate in helpful guest speaker presentations. Childcare is provided during the presentation hour so that you can focus on learning information such as: stress management, child-safety practices, and resources such as health insurance and healthy child development.
Other Resources
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